Cul­tu­ral and natu­re muse­ums for your fami­ly holi­day in Constance

Con­s­tance on Lake Con­s­tance is almost an open-air muse­um with its his­to­ric cent­re, the Mins­ter [Mehr lesen ...]

Holi­days in Con­s­tance: How to make the best of Kon­stanz in Rai­ny Weather

A Holi­day in Kon­stanz is always an Expe­ri­ence-whe­ther in Sum­mer or Win­ter, of cour­se, every [Mehr lesen ...]

The Top 10 Sights in Constance

Ahh, glo­rious! Do You Know the Fee­ling? The Hotel is boo­ked. The Car. Packed The [Mehr lesen ...]

Car­ni­val „Fas­nacht” Con­s­tance – A Fari City Tour with Spec­ta­cu­lar Highlights

As a Tou­rist Town, Kon­stanz on Lake Con­s­tance is a real Magnet, part­ly becau­se of its venerable, [Mehr lesen ...]

October­fest Con­s­tance: Tra­di­tio­nal Plea­su­re by Lake Constance

Okto­ber­fest Con­s­tance from 20.9. until 6.10.2019 starts splendidly The start here is the tra­di­tio­nal 800 m long [Mehr lesen ...]

Con­s­tance Wine Fes­ti­val – A Feast for all the Senses

Rain makes the Grass grow, Wine the Conversation. -Swe­dish Pro­verb Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve is also pos­si­ble when [Mehr lesen ...]

Hiking at the Lake of Con­s­tance – Con­s­tance as Start­ing Point to the Alps

„The Way is the Goal.”-Confucius On the Way to the holi­day We can often not [Mehr lesen ...]

Lake Con­s­tance Cycle Trail: A Bike ride that is fun, a Bike ride that is beautiful

The Centro Guest house offers a com­pre­hen­si­ve and excel­lent Ser­vice when Explo­ring Lake Con­s­tance and its [Mehr lesen ...]

Con­s­tance Car­ni­val – „Fas­nacht”

Have You always won­de­red what the uni­que Flair attri­bu­ted to the Lake Con­s­tance regi­on Is [Mehr lesen ...]

Win­ter Sports and City Breaks-Con­s­tance is the per­fect Base camp for Win­ter Fans

The­re is no Doubt that the City Of Kon­stanz has a lot to offer both its [Mehr lesen ...]

Evening Abdo­mi­nal Mus­cle Trai­ning in the First League – TmbH Per­forms in Constance

The TmbH – theat­re with limi­t­ed hope – is pro­ba­b­ly the best Ger­man-lan­guage impro­vi­sa­tio­nal theat­re. [Mehr lesen ...]

Find Nemo! – in SEA LIFE Constance

Alt­hough not every clown­fi­sh is cal­led Nemo, it is dif­fi­cult to dis­pu­te that every sin­gle [Mehr lesen ...]

Har­ve­st at Lake Constance

As soon as the sum­mer draws to a clo­se and the days get shorter again, the [Mehr lesen ...]

On Your Bikes, Get Set, Go! The Euro­bike Is Coming!

Euro­bike, the lea­ding glo­bal trade fair for the bicy­cle indus­try, will take place again in [Mehr lesen ...]

See­nachts­fest – Lake­si­de Fes­ti­val of Constance

For more than 65 Years, it has been delight­ing tou­rists and locals ali­ke – the [Mehr lesen ...]

Island Fes­ti­val 2014 on Main­au Island

An annu­al high­light that attracts many visi­tors from the sur­roun­ding area and fur­ther is the [Mehr lesen ...]

Boden­see-Ther­me Kon­stanz: The Beau­tiful Well­ness Oasis Right by the Lake

The ultra-modern spa with sau­nas, ther­mal- and open air baths invi­te you with over 3,000 [Mehr lesen ...]