The Way is the Goal.”-Confucius

On the Way to the holi­day We can often not wait to final­ly arri­ve at your Desti­na­ti­on, most­ly the Hotel. We at Centro Guest house Are of cour­se always hap­py about their Arri­val. Nevert­hel­ess, we agree With Con­fu­ci­us that the Road should be the Goal. In the Case of a Holi­day in Con­s­tance, this is, of cour­se, a Hiking Trail. Hiking along Lake Con­s­tance is the ide­al Mix of Acti­ve holi­days and Recrea­ti­on. Today we want to show You a small Sel­ec­tion of the many Hiking Oppor­tu­ni­ties in and around Constance.

Are You Run­ning enough? Yes? Real­ly? Are you sure?

We all know her, the famous 10,000 Steps we should take every Day. Often, howe­ver, Work and Com­mit­ments pre­vent us from achie­ving this pro­ven healt­hy Step count. To Illus­tra­ti­on: A Mana­ger aver­a­ges 3,000 Steps, a Sales­man rea­ches 5,000. Only, if You are a Post­man, You might want to spend a litt­le more Time on the Couch on holi­day-this Pro­fes­sio­nal Group, with 15,000 Steps a Day, mana­ges One-and-a-half Times the health Mini­mum. By Com­pa­ri­son, the ever-decli­ning Amount Of Ame­ri­can run­ning by has alre­a­dy rea­ched a meag­re avera­ge of 5,000 Steps per Per­son per day. You can do That better!

All Begin­ning is-beautiful

10,000 Steps equa­te to 5 To 8 kilo­me­ters, depen­ding on Foot size and Step Distance. What a coin­ci­dence is that the Water­front path to The Kon­stan­zer Hörn­le mea­su­res exact­ly 8.0 km. It offers a per­fect, rela­xed Ent­ry Into the gre­at World of Hikers. The small Hike starts at the Pera sta­tue in the Port of Kon­stanz, just a 5‑minute Walk from The Centro guest House. After Lea­ving behind the sati­ri­cal Anec­do­te to the Coun­cil of Con­s­tance, the Trail will take You to the Old Town. The Ori­en­ta­ti­on is easy, just stay as clo­se to The Shore of Lake Con­s­tance as pos­si­ble. It’s best to lin­ger brief­ly on the Rhi­ne Bridge. In addi­ti­on to a magni­fi­cent View of Lake Con­s­tance, You can even catch a Glim­pse of the Alps here in clear Wea­ther. May­be Your next Goal? A Stair­ca­se to Your Right then Takes You to the Lake­si­de Road, which invi­tes you to Rest with its many Ben­ches. At the End of the Lake­si­de Road starts the last Part of the Path, which is only acces­si­ble by pedes. You fol­low this Path along the Shore, past the Lake Cons­tance Spa, to the lido at The Hörn­le, which is open all year round and can be ente­red free of char­ge (if Your Child­ren moan at The Key­word „hiking at Lake Con­s­tance,” helps as ano­ther Word „lido bath” often Immense­ly) . The Tip of the Hörn­le is now just a Stone’S throw away. Apart from the excel­lent Long-distance view over Lake Con­s­tance, the­re is ano­ther sen­se Of achie­ve­ment within Reach: 10,000 Steps! No one takes Them from you any­mo­re. Back at the Hotel, the Fee­ling in the Legs at The Din­ner table is remi­nis­cent of Your suc­cess, our Ances­tors, a Time wit­hout desk chairs and our Fel­low Peo­p­le in South Afri­ca-who hold up the Flag of our Health with over 10,000 Steps a Day-just as You did today Bravo!

I’ll be gone.”

If You may be a Post­man after all, or for other Reasons, could only smi­le tired when You think of such a Day Trip, don’t worry! For all tho­se who are loo­king for the Chall­enge, Hape Ker­ke­ling Pro­vi­ded an excel­lent Idea by 2008 at the latest. For him, hiking at Lake Con­s­tance was not enough, which is why he went to Sant­ia­go de Com­pos­te­la. Hike a Bit along the famous Way of St. James! Bus Lines 4 and 13 Are available from the Centro guest House to Wall­hau­sen. The­re, from The Jet­ty, You will start Your 18.7km jour­ney back to Kon­stanz on the final Stage of Linzgau’s Way of St. James, one of 6 sec­tions of St. James’s Way that are Part of Via Beu­ro­nen­sis. You will be Led by the inter­na­tio­nal Jacob’s Way, the Mus­sel Pil­grim. This resem­bles a nine-ray, yel­low Star on a blue back­ground. Half­way through you can enjoy the fan­ta­stic View from the Pur­ren Loca­ti­on, pos­si­bly stop in the Beer Gar­den of St. Katha­ri­nen. After almost 5 Hours and 400 met­res of ascent and Des­cent, You will return to the Site of the Begin­ning and can relax in the Centro guest House. The next Adven­ture awaits!

The Schwa­ben­weg Trans­forms Con­s­tancy into a Spring­board into the Alps

Expe­ri­en­ced Hikers and all tho­se who still want to beco­me one are also not limi­t­ed When Stay­ing at The Centro Guest house. For exam­p­le, you could con­ti­nue to fol­low the Cour­se of the Way of St. James. From the Kon­stan­zer Müns­ter, it runs as a so-cal­led Swa­bi­an Trail through the Swiss Can­ton of Thur­gau to Lake Zurich, which You, wort­hy of an Adven­turer, cross on a pil­grim woo­den walk­way. After that, it is only neces­sa­ry to climb the Etzel­pass on a pil­grimage rou­te. At its Foot, the small Vil­la­ge of Ein­sie­deln, which is the most visi­ted Pil­grimage Site in Switz­er­land, is wai­ting For you. Much more, howe­ver, it also ser­ves as a „Base­camp” to Thou­sands of Hikers and Moun­tai­neers annu­al­ly. Do You Want to call yours­elf Alpi­ne Con­que­r­ors? The 2294 m high Mut­teris­tock in the Glar­ner Alps is not far from Ein­sie­deln and is par­ti­cu­lar­ly popu­lar with Ski­ers. But may­be You can give yours­elf a Day’s break in Ein­sie­deln. After a total of 26 hours and 92 km you can use hiking from Kon­stanz safe­ly. And if they’­re not a Post­man, You can also just take the Car. Within 1.5 hours you can reach Ein­sie­deln from The Centro guest House. Becau­se let’s face it: Some­ti­mes hiking at Lake Con­s­tance beco­mes too much-and the­re comes a Day Trip at just the right time.

The Centro in Kon­stanz-always the right Address, whe­ther you are a Walk, a day trip, a long Hike

No mat­ter whe­re You stand in Your Hiking Care­er, in The Centro guest house we always wel­co­me You in the right Way after your Adven­tures: Whe­ther with a Smi­le, Should­er Pat, dry Towels or a Cup of hot Cof­fee. Book your Stay now at the Centro guest house in Con­s­tance, becau­se even a thousand Miles of Tra­vel always starts with a sin­gle Step. So Lao-Tse spo­ke 2,500 Years ago becau­se, like his Con­tem­po­ra­ry Con­fu­ci­us, he knew, „The Way is the Goal.”   © 2015 Niklas Goe­ke Pho­to­grapher: com​mons​.wiki​me​dia​.org/​w​i​k​i​/​U​s​e​r​:​MRB