An annu­al high­light that attracts many visi­tors from the sur­roun­ding area and fur­ther is the „Gräf­li­che Insel­fest” (The Earl’s Island Fes­ti­val) on Main­au Island, which this year (2014) will be held bet­ween the 30th of May and the 2nd of June. During the­se four days, the 13. Island Fes­ti­val offers a diver­se pro­gram­me con­cer­ning plants, homes and gar­dens, with many natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal exhi­bi­tors pre­sen­ting and sel­ling their wares. This fes­ti­val is tru­ly a source of inspi­ra­ti­on for ever­yo­ne who loves and app­re­cia­tes the colorful and orna­te flo­ral sple­ndor and ever­y­thing exclu­si­ve and sty­lish. In addi­ti­on, the magni­fi­cent ambi­ence that results from the back­drop of the Palace Main­au is a spe­cial tre­at. A trip to Main­au Island is the­r­e­fo­re par­ti­cu­lar­ly wort­hwhile during the four days.

Main­au Island Beck­ons with Gar­den Trends & Lifestyle

At the Island Fes­ti­val 2014, a gre­at deal of new dis­co­veries and cur­rent gar­den trends are offe­red to visi­tors. A solemn ser­vice will be held first befo­re the offi­ci­al ope­ning. Over the next few days, the exhi­bi­tors will be show­ca­sing not only hand­ma­de pro­ducts but also many other useful and sty­lish things that are desi­gned to make both home and gar­den more beau­tiful. In addi­ti­on, inte­res­t­ing lec­tures will be held by gar­den experts. On the cast­le stage, artists, musi­ci­ans and even a hat fashion show will pre­sent. Even culi­na­ri­ly, the guests won’t lack any­thing – stalls with deli­cious deli­ca­ci­es make sure of that. For the litt­le ones of the fami­ly, the ver­sa­ti­le dai­ly pro­gram­me for child­ren is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble. On Satur­day, you can do shop­ping to your heart’s con­tent around the cast­le and in the Rosen­gar­ten (Rose Gar­den) until 10 pm, with the beau­tiful sce­n­ery show­ing its­elf even more roman­tic in the evening. On Sun­day, the 1st of June 2014, the tele­vi­si­on pre­sen­ter Son­ja Faber-Schreck­lein will go live from the „Island Fes­ti­val” on air and will also bring the Gar­den Fes­ti­val to inte­res­ted spec­ta­tors in the living rooms. If you want to be part of the Island Fes­ti­val 2014 live and up clo­se at the beau­tiful Lake Con­s­tance, you can book a room with us in good time and look for­ward to your stay.