Category Archives: General

Flea mar­ket in Con­s­tance – rum­mage and hagg­le until late at night

Do you want to expe­ri­ence a who­le new Euro­pean tou­ristic place? Then visit Kon­stanz Night Flea [Mehr lesen ...]

Don’t Miss The­se Mar­kets in Constance

Weekly Mar­kets Fresh, sea­so­nal, and regio­nal pro­ducts from the regi­on can be tried and bought [Mehr lesen ...]

Ever­yo­ne can learn some­thing with us

We at the Gästehaus Centro are always hap­py to have new faces, who defi­ni­te­ly want [Mehr lesen ...]

Guest in your own city”

Like every year, the hotels of Con­s­tance say thank you! On 17.11.2019, a total of 13 hotels [Mehr lesen ...]

Kids Having Fun by Lake Con­s­tance on Sun­ny Days – 10 Tips by Niina

The regi­on of Lake Con­s­tance has a lot to offer for the who­le fami­ly. Here you [Mehr lesen ...]

Mul­ti-storey car parks within a radi­us of 5 minutes

Dear Guests, the fol­lo­wing car parks are available in the area. Right next to our house [Mehr lesen ...]

Com­fort and Faci­li­ties in our Rooms

Our new faci­li­ties and comfort My name is Kim and I will intro­du­ce our reno­va­ti­on and [Mehr lesen ...]

Christ­mas Mar­ket by the Lake of Constance

Con­s­tance turns into a hea­ven­ly Christ­mas town by the Lake Con­s­tance during the Advent sea­son. Seve­ral [Mehr lesen ...]

Stroll around the oldest quar­ter of the town, Nie­der­burg – amu­se-gueu­le and anecdotes

„Some of the most beau­tiful pede­stri­an zones of Ger­ma­ny” are hid­den in the quar­ter of [Mehr lesen ...]

Ship and boat tra­vel on Lake Con­s­tance – The­se offers are available in Constance

How does the say­ing go? A sea­fa­ring, that’s fun, a sea­fa­ring, that’s nice … Yes, on Lake [Mehr lesen ...]

Con­s­tance in a Day – 24 Per­fect Hours in the Most Beau­tiful City by Lake Constance

We all know that – some­ti­mes you just don’t have much time for a holi­day. So, [Mehr lesen ...]

Gui­ded Tour of The city in Con­s­tance-Various Pro­vi­ders and their Advantages

Sin­ce Con­s­tance is a City with a lot of Histo­ry and many Sto­ries, many dif­fe­rent City Tours [Mehr lesen ...]

The 12 best cafés in Con­s­tance – tips by a local

Of cour­se, the­re are always the tou­rist hot­spots that are quick­ly found. But if you’d [Mehr lesen ...]

Cycling in and around Constance

If you like cycling, Con­s­tance is the place to go. Whe­ther it’s the racing bike, [Mehr lesen ...]

Shop­ping in Con­s­tance – 8 Tips for Your Next City Trip

One can­not deny it – becau­se of its pro­xi­mi­ty to Switz­er­land and its sta­tus as [Mehr lesen ...]

Coun­cil Year 2018: Expe­ri­en­cing Histo­ry in Constance

It remains exci­ting in the last year of the anni­ver­sa­ry in Constance From 2014 to [Mehr lesen ...]

Kon­stan­zer Christ­mas Market

  Actual­ly, we don’t know a real Win­ter in Constance! Whe­ther You are a Night, a Weekend or [Mehr lesen ...]

Inter­na­tio­nal Boden­see­wo­che (Lake Con­s­tance Week) 2017 – An expe­ri­ence not only for the fans of water sports

Once a year, the har­bour of Con­s­tance trans­forms into a mee­ting place for sail­ors, rowers and water [Mehr lesen ...]

Flea mar­ket in Con­s­tance – Brow­se and grub until late at night

Thou­sands of visi­tors from all over the world flock each year to the lar­gest city [Mehr lesen ...]

The most beau­tiful excur­si­ons around Con­s­tance: Explo­re the city by the lake and its surroundings

Con­s­tance is not only the lar­gest city on Lake Con­s­tance. It’s known for its famous [Mehr lesen ...]

Culina­ry high­lights in Con­s­tance – enjoy your city break in the best restau­rant and bars!

To a suc­cessful holi­day neces­s­a­ri­ly include culina­ry delights. The Gästehaus Centro is the ide­al start­ing point [Mehr lesen ...]