For more than 65 Years, it has been delight­ing tou­rists and locals ali­ke – the „See­nachts­fest” (Lake­si­de Fes­ti­val) as a part of the sum­mer nights of Con­s­tance, which tra­di­tio­nal­ly takes place on the second weekend of August in the city by Lake Constance.

Lake­si­de Fes­ti­val for All Tastes

This sum­mer, the cult fes­ti­val is also expec­ting tens of thou­sands of visi­tors, who will be enchan­ted by jugg­lers, artists, gas­tro­no­my and han­di­crafts in front of the pic­tures­que set­ting of Lake Constance.

You can expect par­ty­ing, feas­ting and plea­su­res for all senses.

With six live stages, SWR3 and various DJs, count­less food stalls, street per­for­mers and an exten­si­ve pro­gram­me for child­ren and fami­lies,  the Lake­si­de Fes­ti­val offers fasci­na­ti­on for eyes, ears, pala­te and soul.

Dis­co­ver the arti­san mar­ket along the bay of Con­s­tance or sim­ply relax in the almost Medi­ter­ra­ne­an atmo­sphe­re of Germany’s sou­thern­most tip.

World Famous Fire­works at the Lake­si­de Festival

The high­light of the fes­ti­vi­ty is, as always, the musi­cal fire­works dis­play, one of the lar­gest in Euro­pe, which also this year will be desi­gned by two-time pyro­tech­nics world cham­pi­on Joa­chim Ber­ner and his team.

For 30 Minu­tes, colourful pyro­tech­nics mix with the stars and will cer­tain­ly live up to this year’s mot­to „Magic Moments.”

Of cour­se, the­re are many places from whe­re you can catch a glim­pse of this event – a tru­ly uni­que view will be offe­red to you from one of our rooms in the Gästehaus Centro, in the heart of the Old Town of Constance.

Pro­me­na­de, har­bour and urban park are just a three-minu­te walk away – so you are all to yours­elf and yet right in the midd­le of the event.

The onset of the uni­que spec­ta­cle will begin on the 9th of August at 15 o’clock, with the musi­cal fire­works kicking off around 22:15.

By the way: in 1507, a first docu­men­ted fire­works dis­play took place in Constance.

Then, when more and more tou­rists found their way to Lake Con­s­tance in the midd­le of the 19th cen­tu­ry, the so-cal­led „Beleuch­tungs­aben­de” (Light­ing Evenings) were crea­ted in this tra­di­ti­on, from which the Lake­si­de Fes­ti­val was crea­ted after the 2nd World War.

Beco­me a part of this tra­di­ti­on and visit the „See­nachts­fest” of Con­s­tance – the Gästehaus Centro offers you the right accommodation.