It remains exci­ting in the last year of the anni­ver­sa­ry in Constance

From 2014 to 2018, Con­s­tance cele­bra­tes the anni­ver­sa­ry of the Coun­cil, which took place here 600 years ago. Among other things, the pur­po­se of the coun­cil was to elect a new pope and thus end the Gre­at Wes­tern Schism – a split in the Catho­lic Church. In the peri­od befo­re the Coun­cil, the­re were no fewer than three popes, all of whom wan­ted supre­ma­cy in the Catho­lic Church. On the 11th of Novem­ber 1417, the new Pope Mar­tin V was elec­ted and the Coun­cil was ter­mi­na­ted after three and a half years on 22.4.1418. Thus, 2018 is the last year of the anni­ver­sa­ry in Con­s­tance with many inte­res­t­ing exhi­bi­ti­ons and events and a grand fina­le on July 22 – the „Fes­ti­val for Europe”.

Mot­to of the Coun­cil year 2018: Year of Culture

The year 2018 is dedi­ca­ted to the knight and min­ne­sin­ger Oswald von Wol­ken­stein, who was also poli­ti­cal­ly acti­ve and acted in the ser­vice of King Sigis­mund during the Coun­cil. Von Wol­ken­stein was a gifted sin­ger and poet, thus making a gre­at con­tri­bu­ti­on to the cul­tu­re at the time of the Coun­cil. Sin­ce 2018 is the „Year of Cul­tu­re”, the events in Con­s­tance this year revol­ve around the ten­si­on bet­ween Chris­ti­an and secu­lar lite­ra­tu­re and Euro­pean cul­tu­ral exch­an­ge. As part of the „Min­ne meets Poet­ry” pro­ject, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Con­s­tance and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces are pre­sen­ting works by Oswald von Wol­ken­stein in the exhi­bi­ti­on „(w)ortverliebt in Kon­stanz”. The exhi­bi­ti­on runs from 1 March to 8 April 2018 in the TURM at the Kul­tur­zen­trum. „Min­ne meets Poet­ry” runs every day from 7 March to 11 March 2018 under dif­fe­rent mot­toes in the K9 Kulturzentrum.

Oswald von Wolkenstein

Exhi­bi­ti­ons for the Coun­cil year 2018

The goal of the anni­ver­sa­ry is bridging the gap bet­ween the histo­ry of Con­s­tance and the pre­sent – and what fits in bet­ter with our cur­rent situa­ti­on in Euro­pe than the exch­an­ge of dif­fe­rent cul­tures and reli­gi­ons? The muse­ums in Con­s­tance pre­sent the events of the Coun­cil in their exhi­bi­ti­ons: The Ros­gar­ten Muse­um in the city cent­re dis­plays the famous, illus­tra­ted chro­nic­le of the Coun­cil of Ulrich Richen­tal and offers the­ma­tic tours on request.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found here.

Excerpt of the Rie­chen­tal Chronicles


The Hus House dis­plays the life and work of the scho­lar and refor­mer Jan Hus, who was con­dem­ned and bur­ned as a here­tic during the time of the Coun­cil. Gui­ded tours are also available here on request!

More infor­ma­ti­on can be found here.

For the music lovers among us:

As part of the con­cert series „Euro­pean Avant-gar­de around 1400” from 19th to 20th April 2018, the­re will be songs by Oswald von Wol­ken­stein and lit­ur­gi­cal music in the minster.

The ope­ra „La Jui­ve” will be per­for­med in the city cent­re from June 14th to July 9th, 2018. A uni­que expe­ri­ence of the ope­ra, which plays in Con­s­tance in 1414 and thus can be per­for­med here on ori­gi­nal loca­ti­ons! It is about rela­ti­ons bet­ween Chris­ti­ans and Jews, who are punis­ha­ble by death at this time … Exci­te­ment and ama­ze­ment are guaranteed.

In addi­ti­on, on June 29, 2018, the fourth and last Eco­no­mic Coun­cil will take place under the mot­to „Model Regi­on for Sus­tainable Eco­no­mic Manage­ment”. The­re will be exci­ting talks and dia­lo­gues on topics of the future in the economy.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found here.

More infor­ma­ti­on about the­se and other exci­ting events and exhi­bi­ti­ons in Coun­cil year 2018 can be found here.

For all who are inte­res­ted in an exci­ting, modern work-up of a gre­at his­to­ri­cal event in a beau­tiful holi­day city, the­re are many more high­lights in 2018 – whe­ther you par­ti­ci­pa­te in a thea­tri­cal­ly staged city tour or the sculp­tures of the Coun­cil of Peter Lenk. In the year 2018, enter­tain­ment, rela­xa­ti­on and the crea­ti­ve flow of infor­ma­ti­on in Con­s­tance will once again be pro­vi­ded for all ages.