Euro­bike, the lea­ding glo­bal trade fair for the bicy­cle indus­try, will take place again in Fried­richs­ha­fen bet­ween the 27th and the 30th of August this year (2014). 45,000 trade visi­tors, approx. 1,300 exhi­bi­tors and 1,900 jour­na­lists from all over the world will be expec­ted to come and inform about the latest trends of the bicy­cle industry.

Demo Day – Bikes to Touch and Test

Alt­hough the fair offi­ci­al­ly opens its doors on the 27th of August, it’s worth hea­ding out a day befo­re. On Tues­day, August the 26th, the bel­oved Demo Day will take place. On the Demo Day, visi­tors can try out new pro­ducts from the manu­fac­tu­r­ers in the near­by wood­land, dirt tracks and roads all day long and test their qua­li­ty. This year, for the first time, the Demo Day will take place direct­ly at the exhi­bi­ti­on grounds, name­ly at the „Mes­se­park­platz Ost” (East Exhi­bi­ti­on Cent­re), and not in Argen­bühl as before.

A Who­le Hall for E‑Mobility

E‑mobility has beco­me incre­asing­ly important in recent years. For this reason, the orga­ni­zers have deci­ded to dedi­ca­te the „Zep­pe­lin-Hal­le” (Zep­pe­lin Hall) enti­re­ly to this topic. Among other things, two test cour­ses are available for try­ing out the E‑Bikes and pedelecs of dif­fe­rent manu­fac­tu­r­ers. Spe­cial atten­ti­on is paid to ensu­ring that clim­bing rou­tes are also available on the­se cour­ses, so that the visi­tors can get an idea of how well moun­tain rou­tes can be mas­te­red with the­se wheels.

Excel­lent Dri­ving Pleasure

If you are inte­res­ted in the latest inno­va­tions of the two-whee­ler sec­tor, you should not miss the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the Euro­bike Award. Here, new pro­ducts are put to the test and eva­lua­ted accor­ding to the cri­te­ria of degree of inno­va­ti­on, func­tion­a­li­ty, relia­bi­li­ty and sus­taina­bi­li­ty. This means that not only trade visi­tors can find out about upco­ming trends, but also con­su­mers can make infor­med decis­i­ons about which pro­ducts meet their requi­re­ments. An astu­te jury is pro­vi­ded not only by the orga­ni­zers them­sel­ves, but also by the Ger­man Desi­gner Club (DDC), which could won for the first time as a part­ner for the award.

Holi­day on Bike – The Fair at the Fair

For the 15th time in a row, the pas­sio­na­te tra­vel­lers among the visi­tors will be offe­red some­thing spe­cial this year. Becau­se on Satur­day, the 30th of August, the Holi­day on Bike will reopen its doors as a fair at the fair. This is all about bike tou­rism. If you want to explo­re the world on a bike, you have just come to the right place. Exhi­bi­tors from all over Euro­pe, as well as South Afri­ca, Isra­el and Thai­land will inform about the cur­rent offers. The Holi­day on Bike can be found at the „Eigangs­foy­er West” (West Ent­rance Foyer).

Fashion Trends at Eurobike

Even the clot­hing for the riding should not be negle­c­ted. The Fashion Show takes care of this dai­ly at 11:00, 14:00 and 16:00 on the „Büh­ne des Foy­er Ost”  (Stage of the Foy­er East). Here will be shown what will be tren­ding in the coming sea­son. If you don’t want to fall behind when it comes to fashion, you should watch a demonstration.

Bikers Like to Let it Crash

Befo­re the Bike Fair opens its doors again on the last day, the pre­vious night cele­bra­tes vigo­rous­ly, becau­se bikers know how to have fun. On Fri­day, the 29th of Sep­tem­ber, from 18:30  2016 the Euro­bike Par­ty will take place on the open-air grounds West and Atri­um. The­re, the lar­gest dance­f­lo­or of Lake Con­s­tance is ope­ned and night owls are offe­red the oppor­tu­ni­ty to live out pro­per­ly. A bus shut­tle ser­vice is set up for all tho­se cele­bra­ting and returns them to their hotels for free. But if you could­n’t get enough of the par­ty, you are wel­co­me to come to the Riders Par­ty at Club Metro­pol afterwards.

Straight from Con­s­tance to Eurobike

We at Hotel Gästehaus Centro have a very spe­cial offer during this Fair. Stay the night in the Gästehaus Centro and take a cata­ma­ran direct­ly from Con­s­tance to the Fair. Thus, the jour­ney alre­a­dy beco­mes an expe­ri­ence. Advan­ta­ges: no par­king cos­ts, no wai­ting at the ticket coun­ter at the Fair and par­ti­cu­lar­ly favorable pri­ces for fami­lies. Book today and take advan­ta­ge of this gre­at offer.


Image Source: By Ermah (Own work) [CC-BY-SA‑3.0 (http://​crea​tive​com​mons​.org/​l​i​c​e​n​s​e​s​/​b​y​-​s​a​/​3.0)], via Wiki­me­dia Commons