Rain makes the Grass grow, Wine the Conversation.

-Swe­dish Pro­verb Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve is also pos­si­ble when it was dated 29 March. July to 01. August 2015 Wine Gro­wers from the Regi­on at the Kon­stan­zer Wine Fes­ti­val on the 39th anni­ver­sa­ry of the City. First in a Row, intro­du­ce their Pro­ducts. Whe­ther You are a real Som­me­lier or sim­ply want to get to know the Regi­on bet­ter. At The Kon­stan­zer Wine Fes­ti­val, ever­yo­ne gets their Money’s worth. Becau­se one thing is cer­tain: It is almost impos­si­ble to take part in the Four-day spec­ta­cle wit­hout fal­ling prey to the Magic of regio­nal­ly pro­du­ced wines afterwards.

Let the Con­s­tance Wine Fes­ti­val 2015 Sedu­ce you

At the ruby St. Ste­phen’S Squa­re in Con­s­tance, a hea­dy feast for all the Sen­ses will take place again this year. Becau­se the Kon­stan­zer Wine Fes­ti­val attracts not only with begui­ling red and White Wines, but also with culina­ry Delights and musi­cal Accom­p­animent. From five o ‚clock in the after­noon until one o ‚clock in the Mor­ning, you can also tas­te Cuff Nood­les, Fish or cre­pes in addi­ti­on to typi­cal local Wines (such as the strong Rulän­der or The bul­bous Late Bur­gun­dy). If You don’t just want to tra­vel super­fi­ci­al­ly, but want to get a real Insight into the Cul­tu­re and the Kon­stan­zer Way of life, then the Kon­stan­zer Wine Fes­ti­val offers the per­fect Oppor­tu­ni­ty to do so. In a small but exqui­si­te Room you will meet here Pro­ducts and their Pro­du­cers, who will also like to tell You some­thing about Your Home­land with a cosy Glass Of Wine. The Kon­stan­zer Win­egro­wers are a human blow of their Own: Fun­ny, honest Men and Women who under­stand their craft, always have a joyful Glit­ter in their Eyes and never knock out a Con­ver­sa­ti­on along­side an excel­lent Glass of Wine.

Pure Joie de Viv­re at The Con­s­tance Wine Fes­ti­val 2015

Clo­se your Eyes and ima­gi­ne for a Moment stan­ding at St Ste­phen’S Squa­re at a lovin­g­ly arran­ged Stand and just tasting a full-bodi­ed Local Red wine. The Scent of Sum­mer is in the Air. Your Coun­ter­part Smi­les sym­pa­the­ti­cal­ly at you and rela­xing music ripp­les in the Back­ground. Well, do You Fan­cy a very spe­cial Weekend in Con­s­tance? Then not­hing like going! Look For­ward to a deep Insight into the Kon­stan­zer’S Joie de Viv­re and spend a Weekend with excel­lent Wines, sel­ec­ted culina­ry Spe­cial­ties and Live Music!

Prac­ti­cal Tips on the Frin­ges of The Con­s­tance Wine Fes­ti­val 2015

It is advi­sa­ble to look for Accom­mo­da­ti­on near­by, espe­ci­al­ly at events whe­re one or the other Glass Of Wine is Drunk. Hotel Guest House Centro Is easi­ly acces­si­ble from St Ste­phen’S Squa­re in seven Minu­tes. Loca­ted in the Old town and clo­se to the Har­bour, it offers an excel­lent Start­ing point for scenic excur­si­ons by boat or bike along Lake Con­s­tance or the Rhi­ne cycle path as a Sup­port­ing Pro­gram­me to The Kon­stan­zer Wine Fes­ti­val. If You like Cycling, the Hotel offers a spe­cial Ser­vice: You can take Your own Bike with you and stay free of char­ge in the hotel’s sto­rage Room for the dura­ti­on of Your Visit. The cosy Rooms at mode­ra­te Pri­ces invi­te you on a Brea­ther bet­ween the many attrac­ti­ve Offers that Kon­stanz offers away from the wine Test. Book today! Hotel Gästehaus Centro is loo­king for­ward to wel­co­ming You as a Guest.