Okto­ber­fest Con­s­tance from 20.9. until 6.10.2019 starts splendidly

The start here is the tra­di­tio­nal 800 m long pro­ces­si­on through the city and past the har­bour pro­mo. This will take place on Fri­day the 20th of Sep­tem­ber at Müns­ter­platz in Con­s­tance at 17 o’clock. Miss and Mis­ter Okto­ber­fest, sple­ndid­ly deco­ra­ted car­ri­a­ges, fan­fa­res and cos­tu­me groups, set the audi­ence on the edge of the rou­te through the city cen­ter to the grounds on the hust­le and bust­le. In Klein Vene­dig (Litt­le Venice), the may­po­le is set up from 18 o’clock. Whereu­pon the joint ent­ry into the tents for draft beer tap­ping takes place. Fass­bier­an­stich takes place this year in the Pau­la­ner and Fürstenberg’s tent from 18.30 clock. Becau­se we also let the beer flow here. Nevert­hel­ess, with a Baden „O’zapft isch!”. The pro­gram starts at 6:45 pm with Münch­ner G’schichten and the Frosch­ka­pel­le from Radolfzell.

Spe­cial event this year – the Kon­stan­zer Damenwies’n.

For the 9th time, the ladies of Con­s­tance are orga­ni­zing a dona­ti­on cam­paign by sel­ling, for exam­p­le, women’s clot­hing and that, this year again at the Kon­stan­zer Damenwies’n. A char­ming late sum­mer evening on the new gal­lery in the Pau­la­ner Fest­hal­le will be accom­pa­nied by a char­ming pro­gram and hap­py ladies – the­se are the ingre­di­ents for this year’s „ladies-only” event at the Ger­man-Swiss Okto­ber­fest in Con­s­tance. This will take place on Satur­day, Sep­tem­ber 28 at 4 pm in the new Sän­tis­stu­be.

You can reser­ve sin­gle seats or tables (10 ladies). Admis­si­on is 65 € and includes din­ner, a wel­co­me drink, a lady’s mea­su­re and a donation.

Plan your visit to the Okto­ber­fest Con­s­tance 2019

For two weeks, Wed­nes­days through Sun­days from 11 am to mid­night, visi­tors can expe­ri­ence Okto­ber­fest Con­s­tance with all their sen­ses. Fresh draft beer, pork knuck­le, cheese spätz­le, cakes, oven-fresh pret­zels, Kai­ser­schmarrn and many other dis­hes, Baden wines and spe­cial­ties lure into the mar­quees. In the Pau­la­ner and in Fürstenberg’s mar­quee, the ent­rance is free every day until 18 o’clock. After that you need an ent­rance ticket.

The­re is a com­bi­na­ti­on ticket for the Fürstenberg’s tent (which is valid only on Fri­days and Satur­days), that the fans of the Okto­ber­fest for just € 25 com­for­ta­b­ly across the lake and back brings. Also included in the pri­ce is the ent­rance to the mar­quee, a secu­re seat and a vou­ch­er worth € 5.

Nevert­hel­ess, the­re is more for all tho­se who want to save money. At luncht­i­me, for just € 9.90 (also available during the week from 11am to 5pm): half a liter of beer, half a chi­cken, a rib­bon for a par­ty and a reser­ved seat in the Pau­la­ner Fest­hal­le. With always decent par­ty mood on all Satur­days and Sun­days. Chris Metz­ger and the Holz­le­ss Band are among the participants.

Out­side the mar­quees have fun

Even if you find no place in one of the tents, you can spend a nice time with fri­ends and fami­ly at the Okto­ber­fest. Tho­se loo­king for the fee­ling of weight­less­ness will get their money’s worth on the whirl­wind carou­sel „Break Dance”. Attrac­tions such as „baby flight” and „children’s bow” are aimed at the very young visitors.

Events for child­ren, gol­fers and brass band fans

The second Okto­ber­fest Sun­day (Sep­tem­ber 29) is inte­res­t­ing for all tho­se who come to Okto­ber­fest with child­ren and young peo­p­le. At 12.00 o’clock beg­ins the tent ope­ning and ent­rance of the guests. From 12:45 – 13:00, you can admi­re the para­de of the children’s fan­fa­re train „Jugend­ab­tei­lung von den Gemein­schaft Kon­stan­zer Fan­fa­ren­zü­ge”. After­wards from 13.15 – 14.00 o’clock many fun sta­ti­ons like face pain­ting for the kids will be available. From 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm, the child­ren can watch the children’s musi­cal „The Puss in Boots – remas­te­red”. At 18.00 clock is the offi­ci­al end of the camp and the Okto­ber­KIN­DER­fest. Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on the fes­ti­val here.

The Lake Con­s­tance Wies’n Golf Tour­na­ment in Owingen-Überlingen

The 8th-year Volks­fest in Con­s­tance is also home to the Wies’n Golf Tour­na­ment in Owin­gen-Über­lin­gen. The par­ti­ci­pan­ts in cos­tu­mes play 18 holes with spe­cial Okto­ber­fest disci­pli­nes. Acti­ve and non-gol­fers can regis­ter for this event on Satur­day, Octo­ber 5, 2019, which takes place from 9am to mid­night. Howe­ver, the­re are only a limi­t­ed amount of cards.

Regis­tra­ti­on fees for the 8. Boden­see Wies’n Golf Tour­na­ment are: 99 € for mem­bers of the Golf­club Owin­gen-Über­lin­gen e. V., 149 € for guests who are alre­a­dy fami­li­ar with gol­fing (inclu­ding green fee, star­ter gift and wel­co­me drinks, mid­day half­way, bus trans­fer, crui­se Über­lin­gen-Con­s­tance and back with Ape­rol Sprizz from the wate­ring can, admis­si­on to the Okto­ber­fest with cold star­ter pla­te, buf­fet table and 1 mea­su­re Fürs­ten­berg Oktoberfestbier).

The par­king of a golf bag is in Fürs­ten­berg mar­quee möglich.

Ange­bot for snow­shoe gol­fers or non-gol­fers: 20 €

Evening event (inclu­ding cold appe­ti­zer pla­te, buf­fet and 1 mea­su­re Fürs­ten­berg Okto­ber­fest beer): 45 €

Boat trip Round trip Über­lin­gen – Con­s­tance – Meers­burg: 15 €

Bus trans­fer Meers­burg to the golf club and train sta­ti­on Über­lin­gen: 10 €

Hotel Gästehaus Centro – ide­al accom­mo­da­ti­on for the Oktoberfest

The loca­ti­on of the Hotel Gästehaus Centro is ide­al for a stay during the time of the Okto­ber­fest. Becau­se we are only scar­ce­ly 400 m away from the Okto­ber­fest. Is it your first holi­day in Con­s­tance? No problem!

Are you a fan of Okto­ber­fest and inte­res­ted in get­ting to know the spe­cial atmo­sphe­re of that in Con­s­tance? Would you like to return to your room after the par­ty in a few minu­tes from the fes­ti­val grounds? We offer you this in our cozy hotel. Book ear­ly your room to the popu­lar Okto­ber­fest in Con­s­tance with us!