The Centro Guest house offers a com­pre­hen­si­ve and excel­lent Ser­vice when Explo­ring Lake Con­s­tance and its Sur­roun­dings on Lake Con­s­tance. How To make full use of it, we’ll show You today!

From the Danu­be to Lake Con­s­tance – or the other way around?

In Switz­er­land it is cal­led Bike, in Eng­lish Bicy­cle or Bike and in Ger­ma­ny we often like to com­pe­te over our old „Tigh­tro­pe.” But secret­ly, we all love it: Our Bike. Ever­yo­ne is not even under­sta­ted here, becau­se with a Stock of 71 Mil­li­on. Bicy­cles in Ger­ma­ny in 2013 is in Fact almost one Bike per Capi­ta and Leg pair Available.

Healt­hy? Yes! Rela­xing? Logo! Chal­len­ging? Of course!

No Won­der, pro­mo­ting regu­lar Pedals has been pro­ven to Golimb the Ergo­no­mics of the Body and Pro­vi­de excel­lent Car­dio­vas­cu­lar trai­ning. In addi­ti­on, lea­ving behind the air of Modern Gyms and spin­ning clas­ses, often fil­led with sweat, in order to move his Two-whee­ler in the fresh air, some may even speak of one’s own Sal­va­ti­on when he Swoes over the recent Bike ride. In fact, a mul­ti-day Bike ride Offers so much more than any Packa­ge holi­day. Fields, Moun­ta­ins, Mea­dows and Water fly by, but never so fast that you could not admi­re them, or even make one or the other Sto­po­ver. A Few delights the human Eye as much as a won­derful Spot in Natu­re, of which the­re are ple­nty of ple­nty along Lake Con­s­tance cycle path. As we know that Peo­p­le are gro­wing in their Tasks, a Bike Ride should always be a Chall­enge. If you Vary Days, Distances, distances, Heights and Speed accor­ding to your own Abili­ties, a fan­ta­stic Sen­se of achie­ve­ment can be pre-pro­grammed and you return to Ever­y­day life as the Win­ner after the work you have worked.

Swee­the­art, this Year we’­re get­ting the Wheels off The memory-really!”

As You can see, the­re are many good Reasons for a Bike ride, but as is often the case, the­re is only one: The inner Pig Dog. However, The Centro Guest house takes Away all the unp­lea­sant Side effects of Cycling, so that Your Vic­to­ry over Sieg­fried (that’s how we chris­ten­ed our inner Pig Dog) is just one Call away.

The Lake Con­s­tance cycle path – beau­tiful all round

The Lake Con­s­tance cycle path stret­ches for around 260 km. With more than 220 000 Cyclists per Year, it is not only one of the most popu­lar Cycle Paths in Ger­ma­ny, but also in the who­le of Euro­pe. Count­less Vari­ants offer easy to choo­se from tours for all Ages and Fami­ly Sizes. For exam­p­le, Start with a small Lap in 2 Stages, the first of which takes You to Stein on the Rhi­ne, which is 29 km from Kon­stanz. In addi­ti­on to the Stei­ner Old Town and Ruins of a Roman Cast­le, You can alre­a­dy dis­co­ver 5 Cast­les in Salen­stein. The second Stage will take You back to Con­s­tance via Radolf­zell. Wild­life Park, Water Cast­le and Sanc­tua­ry Join the Long List of Attrac­tions here. On the Island of Rei­chen­au you will mar­vel at The UNESCO World Heri­ta­ge Monas­tery Rei­chen­au befo­re hea­ding back to Konstanz.

Cycling wit­hout Bor­ders – to the Source of the Danube

For Adven­tu­r­ers and Repeat Offen­ders, the Jour­ney around Lake Con­s­tance can also take a litt­le lon­ger. Tours bet­ween 7 and 10 Days offer almost end­less Varie­ty bet­ween cheer city Life, idyl­lic Natu­re and spec­ta­cu­lar Sights. From Radolf­zell, for exam­p­le, you can also cycle along the Danu­be. With a Brea­ther during the Train Ride to the small Town Of Engen, you can cer­tain­ly also mana­ge the Day Stage from 60 km to Mühl­heim, which is alre­a­dy on the Danu­be. Undis­tur­bed by CARS or Rail Traf­fic, The next Day you will cross the Val­ley near Beu­ron, which alre­a­dy shi­nes with fan­ta­stic Views of Flo­ra and Fau­na around the now free Danu­be. A total of 45 km will reach the for­mer Prin­ci­pa­li­ty Of Sig­ma­rin­gen, who­se Cast­le is still inha­bi­ted today and offers inte­res­t­ing Gui­ded tours. In Sig­ma­rin­gen, Lake Con­s­tance cycle path cros­ses the Danu­be Cycle Trail, a long-distance cycle path that stret­ches a fabu­lous 2850 km from the Source of the Danu­be to its Mouth into the Black Sea. Here You can chan­ge the Bike Path as a „Long-distance dri­ver” and thus reach Ulm, from whe­re You could fol­low the Cour­se of the Danu­be fur­ther through Bava­ria. But They could also take the Oppor­tu­ni­ty and head south on the Danu­be-Lake Con­s­tance bike path. This takes You to a total of 160 km In 2 – 3 more Dai­ly Stages via Laup­heim, Biber­ach and Cheeks to Kress­bronn – back to Lake Con­s­tance – whe­re the Lake Con­s­tance Lake cycle con­nec­tion and Your Tour comes to an End.

Centro Guest house in Con­s­tance – ser­vice for Cyclists Unparalleled

By fer­ry you will return to Kon­stanz, whe­re You can park your Bike free of char­ge at The Centro guest house And car­ry out neces­sa­ry Repairs if neces­sa­ry. With a Pan­try kit­chen In some Rooms and the Pos­si­bi­li­ty to wash and dry Laun­dry, we are well pre­pared for You and Your Bike, even if it should arri­ve in front of You – a Pre-broad­cast is pos­si­ble wit­hout any pro­blems. Our spe­cial Ser­vice for Cyclists includes:

  • Our Loca­ti­on right on the Lake Con­s­tance Trail and the Rheinradweg
  • Sin­gle Nights are Bookable
  • You can park Your Bikes free of char­ge in our Bike Sto­rage Area
  • Repair Sets are available at the Front desk
  • With us you can Wash, Iron and Dry
  • You can Pre-send or send Your Lug­ga­ge and Wheels

Oppo­si­te our Hotel is the „Cul­tu­re-Rakes” ren­tal And repair ser­vice and within a 5 Minu­te Walk you will also find two Super­mar­kets (Ede­ka and Aldi), a Drugs­to­re (DM), a Sports Goods retail­er (Inter­sport) and seve­ral Clot­hing Stores. Book your stay now at the Centro guest house in Con­s­tance and defeat your inner Pig dog today! Body, Mind and Fami­ly will thank you, but most Of all you will be sure to do so, becau­se Lear­ning, Life and Luxu­ry are nowhe­re clo­ser tog­e­ther than on a Bike ride on Lake Con­s­tance.   © 2015 Niklas Goe­ke, Pho­to­grapher: pho​to​ca​se​.de/​d​a​n​i​e​l​.​s​c​h​o​e​nen