Con­s­tance on Lake Con­s­tance is almost an open-air muse­um with its his­to­ric cent­re, the Mins­ter and the sta­tue of Impe­ria on the har­bour. But not only that: it’s also a city of muse­ums. The exhi­bi­ti­on cen­tres have a varied offer for child­ren and ado­le­s­cents. Their ent­rance fees are very fami­ly-fri­end­ly, and many of them are accessible.

The histo­ry of Con­s­tance and Lake Con­s­tance: the Ros­gar­ten Muse­um and the Archäo­lo­gi­sche Landesmuseum

The Ros­gar­ten Muse­um is loca­ted in the cent­re of Con­s­tance. It can also be visi­ted by wheel­chair users, the­re are par­king gara­ges near it.

Its his­to­ric hall hou­ses a per­ma­nent exhi­bi­ti­on on the histo­ry of Con­s­tance. Here you can see among the exhi­bits a gla­cial scribb­le dra­wing in a reinde­er ant­ler, which is 12,000 years old.

Con­s­tance is par­ti­cu­lar­ly well-known and famous for its medieval coun­cil, which was held bet­ween 1414 and 1418 bet­ween secu­lar rulers and the Catho­lic church lea­der­ship. In addi­ti­on, you can admi­re the chro­nic­le of Ulrich Richen­tal, who has recor­ded the advice in more than 100 colour drawings.

At the begin­ning of the 20th cen­tu­ry Con­s­tance was an important cera­mics cent­re, whe­re pie­ces were made in Art Nou­veau or Art Deco. The muse­um shows exhi­bits of the 1857-born and craft­swo­man Eli­sa­beth Schmidt-Pecht, who work­ed in Constance.

The Ros­gar­ten­mu­se­um is open from Tues­day to Fri­day from 10:00 to 18:00 and on Satur­days, Sun­days and public holi­days from 10:00 to 17:00. It’s clo­sed on Mon­days. It offers free admis­si­on on Wed­nes­days from 2 pm and the first Sun­day of the month, gui­ded tours are available during the day or in the evening. For stu­dents, the muse­um offers hands-on acti­vi­ties on the past, such as Stone Age to touch, whe­re his­to­ri­cal tools are used. Plea­se note that pho­to­gra­phing the exhi­bits is not allowed.

The Archaeo­lo­gi­cal Sta­te Muse­um of Baden-Würt­tem­berg is loca­ted in Con­s­tance, sin­ce many arti­facts from pre­histo­ry and anti­qui­ty have been excava­ted in the Lake Con­s­tance region.

It shows exci­ting things from the ear­ly histo­ry of the coun­try with a lot of ima­gi­na­ti­on and crea­ti­vi­ty. In addi­ti­on to Play­mo­bil figu­res, which repre­sen­ted the con­s­truc­tion of the stilt hou­ses of Lake Con­s­tance, the­re were alre­a­dy fashion shows for boys and girls with the clo­thes of the Roman pro­vin­ce of Räti­en, to which Lake Con­s­tance belonged.

Natu­re and water: the Sea Life and the Lake Con­s­tance Natu­ral Histo­ry Museum

The Sea Life Kon­stanz is an aqua­ri­um on the shores of Lake Con­s­tance. In 35 natu­ral pools you can see over 3000 fish and aqua­tic ani­mals from the seas and inland waters of the who­le earth. The world of the Red Sea is just as fasci­na­ting as the spe­cial exhi­bi­ti­on of turtles.

The Sea Life is open dai­ly from 10:00 to 17:00, in the sum­mer months of July and August even one hour lon­ger until 18:00. Purcha­se your tickets online, they are then 50 % che­a­per than at the cashier.

The day ticket also entit­les you to visit the Boden­see-Natur­mu­se­um. It is han­di­cap­ped acces­si­ble and has the same ope­ning hours as the Sea Life. In this muse­um you learn with life-sized ani­mal exhi­bits more about the ori­gin of Lake Con­s­tance and its natu­ral spa­ti­al deve­lo­p­ment. For child­ren, the play and adven­ture area stones in the river is popu­lar. In the quar­ry they can knock out fos­sils and make dis­co­veries at the game stations.

The Kon­stanz Cul­tu­ral Cen­ter and the Wes­sen­berg Gallery

Art and cul­tu­re lovers visit the cul­tu­ral cen­ter at Müns­ter, which is made up of the city libra­ry, the com­mu­ni­ty col­lege and the edu­ca­ti­on tower. The lower flo­ors of the tower, ori­gi­nal­ly used as a resi­den­ti­al buil­ding, date back to around 1200. It is the­r­e­fo­re one of the oldest examp­les of Kon­stanz archi­tec­tu­re. Today, the city’s col­leges and schools use the spraw­ling buil­ding as an infor­ma­ti­on cen­ter and for the trans­fer of all kinds of knowledge.

The cul­tu­ral cen­ter also hou­ses the Wes­sen­berg Gal­lery. It is acces­si­ble to wheel­chair users and the­re are two par­king gara­ges nearby.

This Stadt­ga­le­rie has a small, per­ma­nent exhi­bi­ti­on of Sou­thwest Ger­man pain­tings of the 19th and 20th cen­tu­ries and holds tem­po­ra­ry spe­cial exhi­bi­ti­ons. Find out about their cur­rent the­ma­tic focus on the Inter­net or on Facebook.

The gal­lery is open from Tues­day to Fri­day from 10:00 to 18:00 and on Satur­days, Sun­days and public holi­days from 10:00 to 17:00. It is clo­sed on Mon­day. For child­ren and young peo­p­le own edu­ca­tio­nal pro­grams are offe­red. Plea­se also note here that the pho­to­gra­phing of the exhi­bits is not permitted.

A half-tim­be­red house for Jan Hus

The Czech refor­mer Jan Hus defen­ded his reform of the church struc­tu­re at the Coun­cil of Con­s­tance and was sen­ten­ced in the year 1415 to death at the sta­ke. The Hus-Haus is dedi­ca­ted to him, whe­re the exhi­bi­ti­ons inform about his life and work. When child­ren run through the exhi­bi­ti­on, they can test their new­ly acqui­red know­ledge in a quiz.

The Hus-Haus is open from Tues­day to Sun­day from 11am. It clo­ses at 17:00 from April to Sep­tem­ber and 16:00 from Octo­ber to March. It’s clo­sed on Mondays.

For your muse­um visits in Con­s­tance, the Gästehaus Centro offers the right accom­mo­da­ti­on. You can book here!