A Holi­day in Kon­stanz is always an Expe­ri­ence-whe­ther in Sum­mer or Win­ter, of cour­se, every Holi­day­maker is left to fend for hims­elf. Of Cour­se, it is hoped that the Sun will stand by you and send its Rays down to earth. But some­ti­mes it comes in dif­fe­rent than plan­ned and thick Clouds and Rai­ny Wea­ther Thwart the Plans. But don’t Worry, with the­se Tips You can spend won­derful Days in Con­s­tance even in The Rain.

Wal­king and Feasting

Even a Walk in the Rain can be very plea­sant. With Umbrel­la and a firm Pair of Shoes, you can also go down well against Bad Wea­ther. A Walk along Lake Con­s­tance soot­hes Body and Mind. The Soul can be dan­gled and lucki­ly You are not made of Sugar! Num­e­rous Hiking Trails offer Space to march through the Coun­try­si­de and enjoy the fan­ta­stic Views. After­wards you can stop in at one of the many Cafés, which offer hot Drinks and deli­cious Cakes as well as other Snacks.

Old Town and Wellness

The Old town is defi­ni­te­ly worth a Visit-and if You’­re alre­a­dy the­re, pay a Visit to Sea Life! A gre­at Aqua­ri­um Whe­re you can spot graceful Fish spe­ci­es and even Mar­vel at sharks. After that, how about a Visit to the Lake Con­s­tance spa in Con­s­tance? Mas­sa­ges and Rela­xa­ti­on are on the Dai­ly Pro­gram­me. Clas­sic Sau­nas, infu­si­on sau­nas and rela­xa­ti­on pools end a lively Day. No one should have to miss the magni­fi­cent View of Lake Constance!

Lake Con­s­tance-Natu­re Muse­um for Young and Old

Are you more the Type for Muse­ums? Then take a look at Lake Con­s­tance Natu­re Muse­um, which You will also find in the Old town! An Exhi­bi­ti­on that encou­ra­ges par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and Touch is wai­ting to Visit. The For­ma­ti­on of Lake Con­s­tance, Ice Age And the Envi­ron­ment are just a few of the many The­mes that await you as a curious Visi­tor. The lavish­ly desi­gned exhi­bi­ti­on works with new Media and a huge Pan­o­r­amic Win­dow gives the View of the Alps and Lake Con­s­tance. An Expe­ri­ence for Young and Old.

Exclu­si­ve High-alti­tu­de Flight and down-to-earth Time Travel

If You are rea­dy to go for a very excep­tio­nal Expe­ri­ence, you should defi­ni­te­ly watch the Zep­pe­lin Tour. Of cour­se, you can’t fly in the event of a storm or a Thun­der­storm, if the flight is impai­red, the Zep­pe­lin Does not take off for Safe­ty Reasons. But with a few Clouds it looks dif­fe­rent and in any Case the Flight is worth its Pri­ce: You will get to know important Cities of Lake Con­s­tance and float nim­bly over this like a Bird! If you are more inte­res­ted in the Tech­no­lo­gy of a Zep­pe­lin, you should defi­ni­te­ly not miss the Visit to the Zep­pe­lin Shi­py­ard! Or would a Trip to the Zep­pe­lin Muse­um be more con­ceiva­ble in Bad Wea­ther? The Cata­ma­ran takes You from The Con­stan­ti­ne Port direct­ly to the Muse­um in just under an Hour.

Medieval Time Travel

How about a litt­le Time Tra­vel for You and Your Fami­ly? Num­e­rous Cast­les, Cast­les and Churches adorn the enti­re Lake Con­s­tance regi­on. Also near Kon­stanz the­re are num­e­rous magni­fi­cent Buil­dings that ama­ze and ama­ze. In the car-free vil­la­ge of Meers­burg Lies the pic­tures­que Cast­le of the same name. Not only is it one of the Main Attrac­tions of Lake Con­s­tance, but it is also con­side­red one of the oldest inha­bi­ted Cast­les in Ger­ma­ny. Idyl­lic Streets in The Town invi­te you to Stroll, Ice Din­ner and Stop at various Restau­rants after a Visit to the Castle.

Cura­ted Pro­gram cine­ma is an Insi­der’S Tip

Things get a Litt­le more per­so­nal When You’­re loo­king for more secret places whe­re not every Tou­rist is stay­ing. How about a lei­su­re­ly Trip To the cine­ma? In the Zebra cine­ma, one par­ti­cu­lar­ly likes to come to the atten­ti­on: Vol­un­teers cura­te the Pro­gram accor­ding to con­tent cri­te­ria and not every Hol­ly­wood strip is shown. If you come here, you can quick­ly be cap­ti­va­ted by the Atmo­sphe­re. If you still don’t have enough after the Cine­ma, you can Skillful­ly lock out the Rai­ny wea­ther at the Bow­ling Cen­ter. At Las Vegas Bow­ling, howe­ver, you can also sim­ply enjoy a Drink at the Bar, play Bil­li­ards or Darts as well as Kickers and Pho­to­play. Rai­ny Wea­ther must not spoil the Fun. Whe­ther You are expan­ding your Wealth of know­ledge in Muse­ums, loo­king at Sig­ma­ri­gen Cast­le, which is a fan­ta­stic Desti­na­ti­on for the who­le Fami­ly, or visi­ting an Adven­ture pool. Don’t For­get that Your good Mood does­n’t depend on bad Wea­ther. A bit of Rain does­n’t spoil a Holi­day, You see it as a Chan­ce to get to know Con­s­tance from the insi­de.