How does the say­ing go? A sea­fa­ring, that’s fun, a sea­fa­ring, that’s nice … Yes, on Lake Con­s­tance a boat or boat trip is abso­lut­e­ly neces­sa­ry – no mat­ter whe­ther you pedal in the pedal­boat yours­elf, pre­fer to enjoy the view on an excur­si­on boat or sim­ply use the ship as a means of trans­port. From the Gästehaus Centro you are within 5 minu­tes at the port of Con­s­tance and the Kreuz­lin­ger har­bor is about 15 minu­tes’ away. Today I will intro­du­ce you to a few of the many pos­si­bi­li­ties and show you whe­re to find out more.

Excur­si­ons – round trips or by boat to the destination

The­re are many beau­tiful tours on Lake Con­s­tance, whe­re you can just relax a bit and enjoy the view. For exam­p­le, this works well with the „Möwe” from Con­s­tance or with theMS Del­phin” from Kreuz­lin­gen. With the „Möwe” you can also expe­ri­ence a roman­tic evening crui­se in the sun­set. The­re are many culina­ry jour­neys from the Boden­see-ship ope­ra­ti­ons from the port of Con­s­tance: Here you can choo­se bet­ween pas­ta chat, bar­be­cue exit, wine tasting on board, fon­due, brunch and many more. Even if you visit Con­s­tance in win­ter, the­re are some nice offers such as the advent crui­ses – just inform yours­elf here. But not only tours are inte­res­t­ing – from Con­s­tance and Kreuz­lin­gen you can get to almost every city on Lake Con­s­tance by boat. Whe­ther you want to see Bre­genz, expe­ri­ence the Rhi­ne Falls in Schaff­hau­sen or stroll in Fried­richs­ha­fen, the jour­ney by boat is usual­ly more rela­xed and abo­ve all more beau­tiful than by car. If you need it, you can even take it on the car fer­ry bet­ween Con­s­tance and Meers­burg on the other side of the lake. The dif­fe­rent lines and the time­ta­ble can be found here and the cata­ma­ran bet­ween Con­s­tance and Fried­richs­ha­fen here. The Bre­genz Fes­ti­val even has its own crui­se, whe­re you get a 3‑course menu and on the way back a „mid­night soup” – so the who­le evening inclu­ding the jour­ney is a gre­at expe­ri­ence. Infor­ma­ti­on about the fes­ti­val crui­se or the simp­le fes­ti­val shut­tle is available here.

Spe­cial ships on Lake Constance

An ordi­na­ry excur­si­on boat is too bor­ing for you? Or you just want to expe­ri­ence some­thing dif­fe­rent? Then, may­be one of the­se ships is right for you: With the Lädi­ne with lar­ge squa­re sail you go whe­re the wind blows you. The his­to­ric gli­der, which was only used on Lake Con­s­tance from the 14th to the 20th cen­tu­ry, will take you on a tour of Con­s­tance or Immenstaad. Here’s more info.

Among the his­to­ric ships on Lake Con­s­tance is also the res­to­red padd­le steam­er „Hoh­ent­wiel”. Laun­ched in 1913, she is a real pecu­lia­ri­ty – the only steam­ship and the oldest pas­sen­ger ship on Lake Con­s­tance. It also offers spe­cial rides – for exam­p­le jazz music. It’s wort­hwhile to inform yours­elf.

At least as spe­cial and almost as old is the 1928 built His­to­ric Fer­ry „Kon­stanz”. It was the first car fer­ry in the who­le Euro­pe and has been sai­ling on Lake Con­s­tance sin­ce 2012 or is often in the har­bour of Con­s­tance with enter­tain­ment during the sum­mer. Take a look here!

But even in modern times the­re are spe­cial ships – such as the solar fer­ry. Only with the power of the sun, you dri­ve almost noi­se­l­ess­ly over the lake. So you can enjoy natu­re in peace and ther­eby sup­port the envi­ron­ment. Of par­ti­cu­lar inte­rest to you are pro­ba­b­ly the small fer­ry „Sole Mio” and the lar­ger „Helio”.

0″] Image of Mar­tin Hil­ber Licen­se CC BY-ND 2.0. https://​bit​.ly/​2​O​D​s​3TP

Pri­va­te­ly on the way on Lake Constance

You have a Boden­see­schif­fer­pa­tent (captain’s licen­se for Lake Con­s­tance)? Then you can char­ter sai­ling or motor boats at seve­ral places on Lake Con­s­tance, some­ti­mes even over­night. For exam­p­le, at the Wild Flot­te in Con­s­tance-Wall­hau­sen. You have no Boden­see­schif­fer­pa­tent? No pro­blem. In the gon­do­la har­bour in Con­s­tance, you can rent a padd­le­boat or a small motor­boat and spend a few hours on the lake. Also, the water sports­peo­p­le among us get their money’s worth: At La Canoa you can lend in some places around Lake Con­s­tance canoes / kay­aks and stand-up padd­le­boards or even par­ti­ci­pa­te in a cour­se! It should be some­thing big­ger, may­be for a wed­ding or ano­ther cele­bra­ti­on? Many of the ships men­tio­ned abo­ve can also be char­te­red with skip­per. Just take a look at the web­sites and ask the operators!

So and now … Always fair winds and fol­lo­wing seas! See you soon at Lake Constance. 😉