We all know that – some­ti­mes you just don’t have much time for a holi­day. So, what to do if you only have one day in Con­s­tance? I would spend 24 hours in Con­s­tance like this:

The evening befo­re I arri­ve by train late. How con­ve­ni­ent that the Gästehaus Centro is direct­ly oppo­si­te to the train sta­ti­on. So, I walk five steps across the street and bene­fit from the late check-in until 10pm. And now off to bed, becau­se tomor­row I want to ful­ly enjoy!

The mor­ning:

I get up ear­ly so that I can make the most of the day. From 7 o’clock there’s a deli­cious break­fast in the Gästehaus Centro.

8:00 am: Streng­the­ned and well-res­ted I make my way to Con­s­tance har­bour. I want to spend the mor­ning by the lake and so I stroll along the har­bour pro­me­na­de to „Klein Vene­dig” and across the art bor­der bet­ween Con­tance and Kreuz­lin­gen in Switz­er­land. My litt­le tour takes me past the Sea­li­fe in the direc­tion of Kreuz­lin­ger har­bour and back – all this with a beau­tiful view of Lake Constance.

9:00 am: Enough of the fresh sea air – now I want to see some­thing from the Old Town of Con­s­tance! From the har­bour I walk to the mar­ket place “Markt­stät­te” and through the streets of the city. I admi­re the ela­bo­ra­te­ly pain­ted hou­ses and look here and the­re in the small shops that can be found everywhere.

„Old Town (Lower Cast­le). Casas en la Mark­stät­te, Con­s­tance. „Licen­se CC BY 2.0 https://​bit​.ly/​2​O​0​t​Gv7

10:00 am: I walk through the Nie­der­burg and on the way back I pass the Café N ° elf in the Gerichts­gas­se. How good that it’s just ope­ned – I’m in the mood for cof­fee and a pie­ce of cake after my ear­ly breakfast.

11:00 am: The Kon­stanz Mins­ter is just around the cor­ner and is worth a visit. I admi­re the impo­sing buil­ding and deci­de to climb the tower. From the top you have a won­derful view over the old town and the lake!

The noon:

12:00: A light lunch would be good now – I walk 10 minu­tes to Café Stadt­kind in the quar­ter Para­dies, becau­se there’s always a deli­cious soup of the day, quiches, pastries and salads.

1:00 pm: Sated and satis­fied, I take direct­ly in front of the café at the bus stop „Ellen­rie­der Gym­na­si­um” the bus 9A, which takes me to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Con­s­tance, which is situa­ted slight­ly hig­her than the rest of the city. Archi­tec­tu­ral­ly, the uni­ver­si­ty is inte­res­t­ingly desi­gned and I admi­re the cour­ty­ard, whe­re the sun shi­nes through colourful glass pyra­mids and casts a beau­tiful pat­tern on the flo­or. At the Cam­pus Café I get mys­elf an ice cream and sit on a ter­race on K7 to enjoy the view of the lake.

View from the Uni­ver­si­ty” by pic­tu­re hero. Licen­se CC BY 2.0 https://​bit​.ly/​2​A​3​8​thp

3:00 pm: Mean­while, I’m making my way a bit through the „Hock­gra­ben”, the park just below the uni­ver­si­ty, towards the lake and on the out­skirts of the quar­ter of Egg with the bus line 413 a sta­ti­on to the island of Main­au. The­re I spend my after­noon and look at the beau­tiful flowers, the pet­ting zoo, the but­ter­fly house and the cast­le. In bet­ween, I take a litt­le break here and the­re on a bench and enjoy the fresh sea air.

5:00 pm: I’m wal­king slow­ly back to the city. Bus 413 from Main­au takes me back to Markt­stät­te. I make a short detour to my room at the Gästehaus Centro to fres­hen up for the evening.

The evening:

6:00 pm: Slow­ly I’m get­ting hun­gry again and I walk 5 minu­tes to Tamara’s Wein­stu­be in the Zol­lern­stra­ße to have pro­per din­ner in a way of Con­s­tance. The­re is regio­nal food here, among other things the well-known „Dün­ne­le”, a kind Flamm­ku­chen, which has a tra­di­ti­on here. And of cour­se, the deli­cious wine from the area mustn’t be missed out.

8:00 pm: So, on into the night­li­fe! I real­ly want to explo­re the local bar sce­ne in the Old Town of Con­s­tance and make my way first to the near­by Irish Pub „Sham­rock”. The fur­ni­tu­re and the deco­ra­ti­on in here look real­ly Irish and the­re are often actions like karaōke or bin­go. Next up is the „Klim­per­kas­ten” – very com­for­ta­ble with the con­glo­me­ra­te fur­ni­tu­re. I sit on one of the sofas on the pedes­tal in the back and, with a drink in my hand, I lis­ten to the litt­le band play­ing here today. From the­re I walk through the Schnetz­tor towards Nie­der­burg and reach after about 15 minu­tes the „Hei­mat” – a small, quaint pub in a vaul­ted cel­lar, which is a firm stu­dent sce­ne in Con­s­tance. My next desti­na­ti­on is also in a cel­lar – but much more spa­cious. 5 minu­tes’ walk will take me to the chic cock­tail bar „Blau­er Engel”. I make mys­elf com­for­ta­ble on a tur­quoi­se nickel chair and choo­se one of the many cock­tails from the menu – here you can get from the bit­ter gin tonic to the frui­ty-sweet Loui­sia­na Jam as well as ever­y­thing. Pas­cal, the owner, is always on his own bet­ween guests, tal­king and joking around.

Time flies by – it’s alre­a­dy mid­night. On a night­cap I go to the „See­kuh” and then walk 10 minu­tes back to the Gästehaus Centro – becau­se at 1:00 am the­re is a cur­few and the bars clo­se for the night. Thus, I fall a litt­le ting­ling and exhaus­ted and full of beau­tiful new impres­si­ons into the cosy bed and dream of a city stroll, lake walk, beau­tiful flowers and deli­cious cock­tails until tomor­row mor­ning I’ll be off again.