Alt­hough not every clown­fi­sh is cal­led Nemo, it is dif­fi­cult to dis­pu­te that every sin­gle one of them is droll and fasci­na­ting. Did you know that clown­fi­sh are moving at most 4 m away from their sea ane­mo­ne? This way they can hide from prey in case of dan­ger nim­bly bet­ween their poi­so­no­us ten­ta­cles. They them­sel­ves are immu­ne to the venom. Only slight­ly lon­ger than 4 meters is your way from the Gästehaus Centro to THE SEA LIFE Con­s­tance, whe­re this is just one of the many inte­res­t­ing things to dis­co­ver and expe­ri­ence the­re. Within a wal­king distance you can reach the adven­ture aqua­ri­um with over 30 pools, which are home to more than 3000 sea and lake dwellers.

Dis­co­ver 1239 Kilo­me­t­res in One Day

The vast majo­ri­ty of the­se ori­gi­na­te from the under­wa­ter world of the Rhi­ne and Lake Con­s­tance. If you step along the pre­de­ter­mi­ned path at SEA LIFE, fol­low in the foot­s­teps of the 1239km – river from its source in the Alps to its mouth into the North Sea. An acrylic tun­nel stret­ching over 8 m is just one of the high­lights of the trail. Just abo­ve your head, the who­le world of the Red Sea unfolds in a 320,000-litre basin. As you pass, you can spot ele­gant­ly sli­ding turt­les bet­ween men­acing sharks and mean­de­ring turtles.

Public Fee­dings in the SEA LIFE Constance

Among the lat­ter, SEA LIFE Kon­stanz con­ta­ins two very spe­cial spe­ci­mens: Ama­de­us and Cle­men­ti­ne. They are green sea turt­les – an end­an­ge­red spe­ci­es. Why only among 100,000 ani­mals exist world­wi­de quick­ly beco­mes clear when con­side­ring the Ger­man name of the ani­mal spe­ci­es: soup turt­le. What is being done to pre­ser­ve this spe­ci­es of ani­mal and why it is not pre­da­tors but pla­s­tic bags that are the grea­test thre­at to them, you can learn at the weekend in the public fee­ding of the­se two hono­ra­ry inha­bi­tants of the SEA LIFE Con­s­tance. At an addi­tio­nal cost and with reser­va­ti­on, an exclu­si­ve fee­ding is even pos­si­ble, whe­re you can dis­co­ver your vege­ta­ri­an meal plan on your own.

Floa­ting Gen­toos with distinc­ti­ve Appearance

Along the way, you will soon hear the sounds of a gen­too as you approach the Ant­ar­c­tic basin. 10 of the slight­ly end­an­ge­red gen­too pen­gu­ins express their fee­lings here, espe­ci­al­ly during the dai­ly fee­dings at 11 am and 3 pm. Unu­su­al are not only their sounds, which in addi­ti­on to mating calls are also an alarm noi­se for egg thie­ves, but also their appearance. A tri­an­gu­lar, white spot abo­ve the eye cle­ar­ly shows you the fas­test swim­mers among the pen­gu­ins with over 30 km/h.

Fee­ding Up Clo­se – Not Just for Kids!

You can also get in touch with the ani­mals up clo­se wit­hout exclu­si­ve fee­ding. The Cont­act Pool is open dai­ly from 10 am.  The fact that your child­ren use the terms „watch” and „touch” inter­ch­an­ge­ab­ly does not mat­ter here, but it is even requi­red!  Here they are allo­wed to find out for them­sel­ves that an ane­mo­ne does not neces­s­a­ri­ly feel like water, even if it is 99% made up of such, or that the arm of the star­fi­sh, should it fall off when it is felt, sim­ply regrows. If you have also felt crabs and cray­fi­sh on your skin, you can con­fi­dent­ly dedi­ca­te yours­elf again to loo­king only, e.g. in the neigh­bou­ring ray pool or the seahor­se grot­to, and enjoy the grace and aes­the­tics of the­se animals.

Dis­co­ver Lake Con­s­tance at SEA LIFE Constance

Also fasci­na­ting to obser­ve are the moon jel­ly­fi­sh in their tank, which depend on tides and curr­ents, as they can only move them­sel­ves up and down. The Lake Con­s­tance Basin com­ple­tes the visit to the SEA LIFE Con­s­tance per­fect­ly, as it gives a deep impres­si­on of the nati­ve flo­ra and fau­na of the lake of 540 squa­re kilo­me­ter in the bor­der tri­ang­le and allows the visi­tor to take home a pie­ce of Constance.

2 Admis­si­ons for the Pri­ce of One in THE SEA LIFE Constance

A visit to the SEA LIFE Con­s­tance will make you and your child­ren mar­vel, won­der, dimp­les and laugh – and becau­se we from the Gästehaus Centro belie­ve that we should do all the­se 4 things more often, the­re are all the guests of the hotel 2 ent­rance fees for the SEA LIFE Con­s­tance for the pri­ce of one. Book your stay at the Gästehaus Centro now and plan your visit to SEA LIFE Con­s­tance! You will return to the Gästehaus Centro with a smi­le – part­ly becau­se your child­ren know now that not every clown­fi­sh is cal­led Nemo. Aut­hor: Niklas Göke, 2014