As soon as the sum­mer draws to a clo­se and the days get shorter again, the sea­son of the gra­pe har­ve­st beg­ins. From this point on, the first gra­pes have the hoped-for matu­ri­ty and are wai­ting for harvest.

Har­ve­st at Lake Constance

The area around Lake Con­s­tance is con­side­red one of the oldest wine-gro­wing are­as north of the Alps. The most com­mon wines here are Mül­ler-Thur­gau (white vine), Blau­er Bur­gun­der (Pinot Noir) and Grau­bur­gun­der (Pinot Gris). In the Lake Con­s­tance regi­on, the gra­pe har­ve­st of the wine­ma­kers tra­di­tio­nal­ly beg­ins approx. 100 days after the full bloom in spring. Due to envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors, such as solar radia­ti­on, the har­ve­st beg­ins here later than in the other Ger­man wine-gro­wing regi­ons. As the result, Lake Con­s­tance wines are also con­side­red easi­ly diges­ti­ble and pro­du­ce less alcohol.

A Look Behind the Scenes

The gra­pe har­ve­st peri­od is per­fect­ly sui­ta­ble for holi­days on Lake Con­s­tance. While autumn shows its­elf at its most beau­tiful, in various wine farms you can take a look behind the sce­nes and get to know the viti­cul­tu­re. Wine lovers have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see a real har­ve­st and also to par­ti­ci­pa­te in it if desi­red. A lot will be lear­ned about the cul­ti­va­ti­on, its sin­gle steps and the wine its­elf. At the same time, acti­ve coöpe­ra­ti­on also offers a good oppor­tu­ni­ty to lea­ve ever­y­day life behind and „switch off” once. You will expe­ri­ence an ins­truc­ti­ve holi­day day, which you can spend wit­hout the hust­le and bust­le and in harm­o­ny with the natu­re. But of cour­se, the gra­pe har­ve­st also brings peo­p­le tog­e­ther. In a con­vi­vi­al round you will meet other wine lovers and con­nois­seurs with whom you can exch­an­ge ide­as and tas­te a sip of the good drop together.

Dis­co­ver the Pic­tures­que Landscape

In addi­ti­on, a holi­day in the regi­on can be com­bi­ned won­derful­ly with hikes through the pic­tures­que viney­ards. Under the plea­sant autumn sun, visi­tors can enjoy a dream­li­ke sce­n­ery that invi­tes you to dis­co­ver the land­scape. If you also would like to expe­ri­ence the gra­pe har­ve­st on Lake Con­s­tance and get to know the breath­ta­king sur­roun­dings of the viney­ards, you will find the right accom­mo­da­ti­on in the Gästehaus Centro. Loca­ted in the heart of Constance’s Old Town, our hotel offers the per­fect address to plan such excur­si­ons. Pic­tu­re: Phil­ipp Reschner