Sin­ce Con­s­tance is a City with a lot of Histo­ry and many Sto­ries, many dif­fe­rent City Tours are also offe­red here. So I set out for the Centro Guest­house and tes­ted four very dif­fe­rent Gui­ded tours for You. Here I would like to intro­du­ce You to the­se briefly:

1. The clas­sic Tour-Marketing & Tou­rism Constance

the Cour­ty­ard of the Town hall

For This I join Klaus Haa­se, who is a His­to­ri­an and does the City tour „Pre­sent of the Past.” At first, I’m a bit scep­ti­cal About whe­ther such a clas­sic 2‑Hour tour can be exci­ting, but with Mr Haa­se, time flies as if you were in Flight. Of cour­se, it is about the Histo­ry of Con­s­tance and the­re are some Annu­al Figu­res-but Mr. Haa­se knows how to link them Exci­tingly with Konstanzer’s Sights and Sto­ries. Again and again he sur­pri­ses the Par­ti­ci­pan­ts with his broad Know­ledge in Histo­ry and Geo­gra­phy. He also shows a lar­ge Map of Lake Con­s­tance and tells a bit of the Regi­on and Geo­gra­phy. I real­ly noti­ce how the Par­ti­ci­pan­ts can clas­si­fy ever­y­thing a litt­le bet­ter, becau­se they are not out of Con­s­tancy and some­ti­mes come from far away. Mr. Haa­se choo­ses a nice Tour of the old Town of Con­stan­ti­ne and we end up at the Har­bour, from whe­re you have a won­derful View over Lake Con­s­tance. I hear only posi­ti­ve Voices from the Participants‑a com­pe­tent, enter­tai­ning City Tour.

When you ask Mr. Haa­se hims­elf, wha­t’S Spe­cial About his Gui­des is that he por­trays Histo­ry in a way that ever­yo­ne can under­stand it. It makes a Point of explai­ning his­to­ri­cal Terms and fol­lo­wing a Con­cept so that no unre­la­ted Names and Num­bers fly around.

The Mar­ke­ting & Tou­rism depart­ment Kon­stanz offers over 20 dif­fe­rent Gui­ded tours of approx. 50 City Gui­des and in many dif­fe­rent Lan­guages-from the Clas­sic Tour to the Lake Con­s­tance crime sce­ne tour. The­re are also public Tours as well as pri­va­te Group Tours. Take a look here.

In The Minster

2. Histo­ry in Sto­ries-City Leader­ship Constance

Accor­ding to Rese­arch, I am to be told many exci­ting, fun­ny and per­haps some­ti­mes some­ti­mes some­what cruel Sto­ries and Anec­do­tes from Con­s­tance during the tour of The city, which I can also remem­ber well after­wards. I set out And meet Mr. Schloß­arek and his Group in the old Town of Con­stan­ti­ne. And in fact-the Rese­arch did­n’t pro­mi­se me too much: On an enter­tai­ning Tour We are allo­wed to lis­ten to all sorts of sur­pri­sing, exci­ting and fun­ny Anec­do­tes at the appro­pria­te loca­ti­ons. Right at the Begin­ning, Mr. Schloß­arek makes it clear that he wants to enter­tain us and that his Sto­ries are not always 100% his­to­ri­cal­ly veri­fia­ble, but all are based on dif­fe­rent Kinds of his­to­ri­cal Tra­di­ti­on. Which makes me think with every Sto­ry: Did this real­ly hap­pen that way? Or could someone per­haps have used something?

So The Focus here is on the Enter­tain­ment and so the 2 Hours with Mr. Schloß­arek fly by in No time and in Wal­king Away the Par­ti­ci­pan­ts still joke about one sto­ry or ano­ther and think about it-so they pro­ba­b­ly feel the same Way as I do. So that with Memo­ry has real­ly suc­cee­ded, I think to mys­elf. Becau­se I, too, tell my Fri­ends and Acquain­tances about one anec­do­te or ano­ther In the days that follow.

Mr. Schloß­arek hims­elf says of his Gui­des: „I think what makes us spe­cial is that we just tell very fun­ny and elo­quent sto­ries ins­tead of hack­ing around On Histo­ry data.” He and his Col­le­agues offer dif­fe­rent The­med Tours for pri­va­te Groups in dif­fe­rent Lan­guages-inte­res­t­ingly, by Inter­pre­ter even in Rus­si­an or Geor­gi­an. Take a look here!

3. Gui­ded Tour of The city with wine Tasting and Mrs. Konstanze-See Gui­de Konstanz

Lake Lake will accom­pa­ny the Tour

4. The Nigh­t’S Guard Tour-The Nigh­t’S Wigh­ten­ers Constance

Now some­thing com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent: It is Not until 8 P.m. that the Nigh­t’S Day tour beg­ins with the His­to­ri­an and Aut­hor Ulrich Bütt­ner. At Dusk We gather in front of The Mins­ter and wait anxious­ly. Then Mr. Bütt­ner emer­ges with a black Cape and Hat, Hel­le­bar­de and Lan­tern. His Dis­gu­i­se, he explains to us, is Ori­gi­nal from the Midd­le Ages. Then he also beg­ins to explain to us first what he has with him and what were actual­ly the Tasks of a Night Watch­man and his Place in the Com­pa­ny of medieval Con­s­tancy. Then we start on a Tour of the Alleys of The old Town of Kon­stanz­in, which pro­ba­b­ly a Night Watch­man could have gone just like that at that time.

At many Cor­ners we stop and the Night Watch­man tells us in a humo­rous and Very com­pe­tent way the sto­ry and Anec­do­tes from the Midd­le Ages and also from the more recent times to the dif­fe­rent Places we visit and bey­ond. Even I am quite sur­pri­sed at the many small Details in the City­scape, which you sim­ply over­look when you are con­stant­ly on the road here. By the way, do You know whe­re the Say­ing „scratch the Cur­ve” comes from? Mr. Bütt­ner can show You this and tell you this in The Old town of Constantine.

The Tour Never got bor­ing thanks to fewer Facts and figu­res and more his­to­ri­cal­ly arran­ged Sto­ries and the Time in the Evening is also a nice Finish for a Holi­day Day. The Night Watch­man hims­elf says wha­t’S Spe­cial About his Gui­des is their Liveli­ne­ss and I defi­ni­te­ly agree with him on that.

The Night Watch­men Con­s­tance also offer a spoo­ky gui­ded tour with the Exe­cu­tio­ner and a speech-wit­ted with the Coun­try Chef-for Groups and also the Public. Take a look here. The­se Tours can also be boo­ked via Marke­ting & Tou­rism Con­s­tance.

In front Of St. Stephen’s Church

The Good Thing about all the­se City tours for You: From The Centro Guest house, You’ll be at all start and End points in a maxi­mum Of 5 Minu­tes. Just Choo­se which City tour suits you Best and explo­re Constance!

One thought on “Gui­ded Tour of The city in Con­s­tance-Various Pro­vi­ders and their Advantages

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