We at the Gästehaus Centro are always hap­py to have new faces, who defi­ni­te­ly want to learn some­thing new here or to con­ti­nue their edu­ca­ti­on. They all have the chan­ce to gain expe­ri­ence with us and we also have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn from them and thus impro­ve our ser­vices. With us you can, for exam­p­le, com­ple­te the three-year trai­ning of the spe­cia­list for hotel and cate­ring ser­vices or a vol­un­t­a­ry intern­ship, which usual­ly takes a few months.

I’m going to intro­du­ce you to four women from dif­fe­rent back­grounds, count­ries and cul­tures who have cho­sen our guest house as their trai­ning place.

Dev­le­te Sh. has suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted her three-year hotel spe­cia­list trai­ning in July 2019. She comes from Koso­vo. She lives in Con­s­tance for three years and alre­a­dy feels at home. Moti­va­ted and com­pe­tent Dev­le­te con­ti­nues to work eager­ly at the Gästehaus Centro after com­ple­ting her training.

Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on han­ded over to Dev­le­te Sh. by the IHK with her instructor.

Otgon­su­ren B. is on her first year of trai­ning as a hotel spe­cia­list. She comes from Mon­go­lia and has been living in Ger­ma­ny for two and a half years. The Ger­man lan­guage is no lon­ger a pro­blem for her as well. Con­s­tance and the regi­on of Lake Con­s­tance fasci­na­te her, and she’s plea­sed to have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to com­ple­te her edu­ca­ti­on in our small hotel. Otgon­su­ren is moti­va­ted to learn a lot. She can also bring in her own skills in our mul­ti­cul­tu­ral team very well.

Otgon­su­ren B.

Mari­na M. is a stu­dent of the sta­te voca­tio­nal school for hotel and tou­rism manage­ment – school of young tou­rism in Berch­tes­gar­den. She comes from the beau­tiful Upper Bava­ria and wan­ted to do her two-month intern­ship in a small Ger­man hotel, whe­re she has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take part in various tasks that belong to the ever­y­day life of the hotel staff. For exam­p­le, she gets a clo­ser look at the hap­pe­nings out of the sight of the guests – a look behind the sce­nes, so to say. The­r­e­fo­re, she found that the Gästehaus Centro was just the right choice. At work, she’s loo­king for­ward to new expe­ri­en­ces that enable her to expand her prac­ti­cal skills regar­ding her edu­ca­ti­on and her future careers.

From the left: Mari­na M. and Nii­na V.

My name is Nii­na V. and I’m a stu­dent of Ger­man lan­guage and cul­tu­re from Fin­land. I deci­ded to have a three-month intern­ship at the Gästehaus Centro becau­se I’ve been inte­res­ted in tou­rism for a long time. I’ve always loved tra­vel­ling, and I’m the­r­e­fo­re into for­eign lan­guages and dif­fe­rent cul­tures. I’ve been lear­ning Ger­man for ten years now, and ever sin­ce Ger­ma­ny has had a spe­cial place in my heart. I cho­se to have my intern­ship in the Gästehaus Centro becau­se a small hotel in a small town with a sou­thern flair has been just exact­ly what I’ve been loo­king for.


This artic­le was writ­ten on the 22nd of July 2019 by Nii­na Vatanen.