Con­s­tance turns into a hea­ven­ly Christ­mas town by the Lake Con­s­tance during the Advent sea­son. Seve­ral hundred thousand visi­tors expe­ri­ence from the 29th of Novem­ber till two days befo­re Christ­mas Eve unfor­gettable, inspi­ring moments at the lar­gest and the most beau­tiful Christ­mas mar­ket in the Lake Con­s­tance regi­on. The num­e­rous woo­den huts and stalls ador­ned with white lights and fir bran­ches curl from the Markt­stät­te, in the midd­le of the his­to­ric Old Town, to the lake­si­de and, sin­ce 1995, to the Con­stant Har­bour. Loca­ted only 150 Met­res from the Christ­mas Mar­ket, the Gästehaus Centro is one of the first addres­ses in the pre-Christ­mas peri­od – sim­ply becau­se of its clo­se loca­ti­on to the market.

Spar­k­ling lights at the Christ­mas mar­ket in Constance

Arts & crafts and treats

The Christ­mas mar­ket by the lake in Con­s­tance has been a mee­ting place for locals and visi­tors sin­ce 1989. Glass­blo­wers, glass cut­ters, artist blacksmit­hs and pot­ters show their han­di­craft skills. Visi­tors are plea­sed to find pie­ces of Christ­mas jewel­lery such as stars in all sizes and varia­ti­ons, angels, put­tos and uni­que, beau­tiful­ly deco­ra­ted Christ­mas bau­bles. Every year the local press detect whe­re to find the best Glüh­wein (mull­ed wine) to fill the Christ­mas mar­ket cups.The Christ­mas mar­ket by the lake in Con­s­tance has also a lot to offer when it comes to the culina­ry art. Not only the smell of Brat­wurst and hot chest­nuts blow through the mar­ket streets. In the Christ­mas Won­der­land by the lake, the visi­tors pam­per their pala­te also with the cheese fon­due, Medi­ter­ra­ne­an, North-Afri­can and regio­nal spe­cial­ties such as shred­ded ox – and the hun­gry ones can order even snake.

Mer­ry bust­le at the ves­per­ti­ne Christ­mas mar­ket by lake

Christ­mas on the lake

The fes­tively lit Christ­mas ship of the White Fleet at the har­bour is defi­ni­te­ly an attrac­tion. Visi­tors of the Christ­mas mar­ket like to make a side trip on board to warm up after a stroll around the stalls. The mull­ed wine tower in the urban park is popu­lar among­st anyo­ne who likes to stay out­doors even at win­try tem­pe­ra­tures. On the plat­form, the­re is an unob­s­truc­ted view of the quiet and still lake below under the spar­k­ling stars or of the many flas­hing lights of the Christ­mas mar­ket at the har­bour and on the mar­ket site. More infor­ma­ti­on can be found here.

The beau­tiful­ly lit Christ­mas ship at the harbour

Very Mer­ry Christmas

The White Fleet offers tours along with fes­ti­ve music and a Christ­mas cof­fee or – din­ner on the win­try Lake Con­s­tance in the pre-Christ­mas peri­od. During the Advent sea­son, the gui­ded tours offer walks through the fes­tively deco­ra­ted Old Town. The tour gui­des show the way to the most beau­tiful „Christ­mas pic­tures und cots in Con­s­tance” or to „cha­pels and churches of the Old Town”. A jour­ney through time is pro­vi­ded by the gui­ded tours with the night watch­men, a lans­que­net or with a noble knight.

Glüh­wein (Ger­man mull­ed wine) and Punsch (punch) warm and have a won­derful tas­te in the cold win­ter evenings. Pho­to source: Casey Hugel­fink „Glüh­wein” Licence: CC BY-SA 2.0 https://​bit​.ly/​2​D​k​L​U7D

Com­pact info

Christ­mas mar­ket by the lake in Con­s­tance from the 29th of Novem­ber till the 22nd of Decem­ber 2018, dai­ly from 11:00 till 20:00 (food- and Glüh­wein stalls are open till 21:30), Fri­days and Satur­days till 21:30. From Gästehaus Centro, you will be in the heart of the event within 2 wal­king minu­tes. Other image sources: Rames­sos (Own Work) [Public domain], via Wiki­me­dia Commons