The­re is no Doubt that the City Of Kon­stanz has a lot to offer both its Citi­zens and its Guests at any Time of the year. In the Win­ter Months, howe­ver, the Attrac­ti­ve­ness of this exclu­si­ve Desti­na­ti­on on Lake Con­s­tance increa­ses many Times Over. We are Tal­king about Win­ter sports, which cer­tain­ly have some­thing for every Tas­te due to The Advan­ta­ge­ous geo­gra­phi­cal Loca­ti­on of Constance.

Win­ter Sports – unli­mi­t­ed Plea­su­re for Young and Old

A Trip to the City on Lake Con­s­tance is defi­ni­te­ly wort­hwhile. And that’s whe­ther You’­re loo­king for a quiet and tran­quil holi­day with a Bree­ze Of romance, wis­hing for a wide Ran­ge of Enter­tain­ment and Acti­vi­ty, or pre­fer­ring a Mix of the two. In Kon­stanz its­elf, beau­tiful Parks and Green Spaces attract you to long Walks in the Snow. A Litt­le more ’ Action ’ awaits Enter­pri­sing peo­p­le on the num­e­rous Tobog­gan runs that pro­mi­se Fun for the who­le Fami­ly. Apart from that, the­re are num­e­rous ice Rinks of vary­ing Lengths and Faci­li­ties. The tra­di­tio­nal Ice Ska­ting on the Lake, on the other hand, is an Expe­ri­ence of a very spe­cial Kind and is cer­tain­ly very much in the Trend of the cur­rent return to a natu­re-con­nec­ted life­style and thus also lei­su­re Style. Apart from the Charms that the City of Kon­stanz its­elf unfolds, the­re are num­e­rous Win­ter Adven­tures wai­ting for par­ti­cu­lar­ly fle­xi­ble and mobi­le Visi­tors in the imme­dia­te Vici­ni­ty, espe­ci­al­ly in the cold sea­son. So If You Want a har­mo­nious Com­bi­na­ti­on of cosy Flair and an unfor­gettable Natu­re Expe­ri­ence, impres­si­ve Snow para­di­ses such as the Alps are just a Stone’S throw away. Other win­ter High­lights Are Grau­bün­den, Tyrol and the Aus­tri­an Vor­arl­berg. With this Reper­toire, the­re is litt­le left of choice for lovers of Win­ter Sports. The fact that most Desti­na­ti­ons can be easi­ly rea­ched by Bus or by Ride Is also an Advan­ta­ge. The­re are no Limits to your win­ter sports acti­vi­ties, becau­se whe­ther it is a mana­geable twen­ty or chal­len­ging 200 Kilo­me­t­res of Pis­tes, You will find ever­y­thing You can only dream of for an acti­ve Win­ter holi­day In The Vici­ni­ty of Konstanz.

The colorful Pot­pour­ri of Dif­fe­rent Lei­su­re Acti­vi­ties in and around Constance

In addi­ti­on to Tobog­ga­ning, Ice Ska­ting and Ski­ing, You also have ple­nty of oppor­tu­ni­ty to explo­re the enchan­ted Win­ter land­scape on Foot. If it is to be the more deman­ding Win­ter sport, a Day Trip to the Swiss Win­ter Sports Area Ober­tog­gen­burg is recom­men­ded, which offers exci­ting ter­rain for Beg­in­ners as well as advan­ced Ski­ers. In addi­ti­on to the­se Advan­ta­ges, the Regi­on impres­ses with its rela­tively small distance from Kon­stanz, with only a rela­tively small Distance of 100 Kilo­me­t­res. In Addi­ti­on, Snow Park and Après-Ski gua­ran­tee a rela­xed Atmo­sphe­re for Tho­se in Need of Rest and Sports Enthu­si­asts ali­ke. Freeri­ders, on the other hand, will feel par­ti­cu­lar­ly com­for­ta­ble in Sil­vet­ta Nova, about 120 Kilo­me­t­res away. In Addi­ti­on, the­re are count­less other ski and Hiking Are­as that want to be explo­red. The Ran­ge of Usa­ge Opti­ons pro­ves to Be just as diver­se as the respec­ti­ve Desti­na­ti­ons them­sel­ves. It is Worth not­ing the often very low Fares, for exam­p­le the 3‑Valley Pass for Stu­dents, which is valid for seve­ral Ski Resorts. From Day Trips to stays in quaint Huts for seve­ral days, the Regi­on offers a Ple­tho­ra of Vari­ants. In order to round off the win­ter Ambi­ence, culina­ry Deli­ca­ci­es such as Mull­ed wine, Brat­wurst and hot Cho­co­la­te should not be miss­ing. Whe­ther it’S Ska­ting over Lake Grace or strol­ling through the City in the char­ming old Town of Kon­stanz, streng­the­ned in this Way, Win­ter Sports are twice As fun. So If you choo­se the tran­quil Con­s­tancy as the Base sta­ti­on for your Win­ter Holi­day, you make a wise Decis­i­on, becau­se both Peace and rela­xa­ti­on as well as attrac­ti­ve Win­ter Sports Attrac­tions can be easi­ly and easi­ly rea­ched. You got to tas­te? Then do not hesi­ta­te, but reser­ve one of our cosy Rooms in order to enjoy the par­ti­cu­lar­ly enchan­ting snow land­scape on Lake Con­s­tance to the Fullest.